Dungeon Creation

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Of course CQR allows you to create your own dungeons and let them spawn in the world.
To accomplish this task, you have 2 possibilities:

  • Add a structure to a existing Dungeon Configuration
  • Create your own dungeon config and use your structures with it

Adding a structure to a existing dungeon config

Basically you just export your Structure and put it in the structure folders used by the Dungeon Configuration you want to use. That is the simplest way.

Creating your own dungeon from scratch

This applies to all methods to include your dungeon in your game.
In general there are five steps to create a dungeon:

  1. Building your dungeon
  2. Placing null blocks
  3. Placing mobs, spawners and loot chests
  4. Placing a Boss Block and or a Force Field Nexus
  5. Exporting your dungeon
  6. Configuring your dungeon

Building guidelines

The following guidelines are optional, but you are advised to follow them if you want your build to have a chance to appear in the mod as default structure.
In general there are no boundaries in terms of building a dungeon. However, it is advised that you dont place a lot of valueable blocks such as diamond blocks or anvils in your dungeon.
While theoretically there is no maximum size, your dungeon shouldnt be larger than 20.000.000 blocks in total (null blocks are not counted).
If you are building rooms for a dungeon that uses generators like the stronghold (open and linear), all rooms should have the same X,Y and Z size. Stair rooms should have twice the Y size of normal rooms, entrance stairs should have 3x the Y size of normal rooms.

On the topic of Null Blocks...

First: A Null Block is a creative only block to use for building a dungeon. When a dungeon gets saved, it does not save the null blocks, meaning it wont override blocks in the position of a null block when placing the dungeon.
In general you should fill the bottom side of your building with null blocks if you have no underground layer and you use underground offsets.
Also you should place null blocks around your dungeon to allow a smoother placement in the terrain.

Loot, more loot and monsters

What is a dungeon without enemies? Right, boring. What is a dungeon without loot? Not worth conquering.
Every dungeon needs loot. To place a loot chest, you can either place down vanilla chests and redstone chests and fill them manually. You can also use all the exporter chests from the Exporter Chests Tab. For configuring those see this article: Loot Configuration.
You should also know that the contents of containers are not altered or changed when exporting or placing your Structure.
Now to a more important part: Enemies.
To place enemies in your dungeon you can just place them normally.
If you want your enemies to have max health adapted to the distance from spawn and to be able to set the inhabitants of the dungeon, you should follow the next section.
The general process of placing enemies is this:

  1. Place dummies
  2. Equip the dummies and customize them
  3. Get yourself a mob to spawner tool or a Soul Bottle
  4. Click the dummies with the mob to spawner tool, it will create a single use spawner with that mob inside of it
  5. If you used a Soul Bottle, grab a cqr spawner, right click it and place the Soul Bottle inside.

To adjust the amount of enemies in a cqr spawner: Open it. Then follow this rule: stack size of one Soul Bottle stack represents the amount of mobs matching the mob in that bottle.

Bosses and Protection

To get this clear: The Boss Block is NOT a spawner. It is a placeholder.
When a dungeon gets generated, it will spawn one Category:Boss per Boss Block matching the inhabitants of the dungeon. Or you can put a Soul Bottle in it's single slot, on generation it will use the mob spawned from that Soul Bottle as the boss, if it contains a Dummy it will exchange it to a mob chosen from the Dungeon Inhabitant of the dungeon.
If the Protection System is active for your dungeon (see Dungeon Configuration), the Protection Region gets disabled once all bosses are defeated or the Force Field Nexus is broken.
A structure can have multiple Force Field Nexus blocks. However, there will always only be one after placing, if you placed multiples, it will choose one randomly on generation.


Finally, you are done building your dungeon. Now grab a Exporter Block and place it down near your structure.
Now you have two choices: Manually configuring the exporter or using a helping tool.
If you choose to manually configure: Search two opposite corners of your structure and enter those in the Exporter Block.
If you choose the helping tool, grab "Selection Selector Helper" item and select your two corners (it works similar to the world edit axe). Once you selected your corners, go to your Exporter Block and right click it with your tool.
Now that you marked the selection, right click the Exporter Block.
The relative mode tells the block that the entered coordinates are coordinates relative to the exporter (similar to vanilla structure block).
You can set the name of your structure in the Exporter Block if you want to.
Once you are ready: Press the "Export" button and exit the Exporter Block. Once a message pops up that it saved the structure successfully, go to the next step. If you are on a server: The structures get saved on the server's file system and don't get send to the client.

And how can I add it to the game?

So you exported your dungeon? Cool, then head to the folder where you installed your game. There, you go into the config folder, from there into the CQR folder. In there should be a folder called "exporter_output". In there the mod saves all exported structure files (.nbt).
Now you only need to write and configure a dungeon config. For this see this article: Dungeon Configuration. Please note that you also need to follow the configuration options of your chosen Category:Dungeon Generator. Also that's what defines where you need to put your exported structures.